SOS WAX and Skincare

Using SPF Year-Round

Using SPF Year-Round

Wearing SPF year-round is crucial for protecting the skin from UV damage, which can undermine the results of treatments like facials, chemical peels, or laser resurfacing. Clients at SOS Wax and Skincare should be advised to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen every morning, regardless of the season, to prevent premature aging, hyperpigmentation, and other sun-related skin issues. This practice helps maintain the results of their treatments and supports long-term skin health. Recommending sunscreens that are lightweight, non-comedogenic, and suitable for daily use ensures that clients can easily incorporate this step into their skincare routine. This tip is particularly important for clients who have recently undergone treatments that make the skin more sensitive to sunlight, as consistent sun protection is key to preventing damage and maintaining a youthful, glowing complexion. Providing this guidance reinforces the importance of sun protection in preserving the health and beauty of the skin all year round.