SOS WAX and Skincare

SOS rest periods
and meals policy

Under Nevada law, rest periods are based on the total hours worked daily at the rate of 10 minutes for each four hours worked. Additionally, an employer must provide an unpaid meal period which consists of 30 minutes of uninterrupted time for an employee working a continuous period of eight hours.

SOS WAX and Skincare strives to provide a safe and healthy work environment and complies with all federal and state regulations regarding meal and rest periods.

Rest periods and 30 minute meals (when applicable) are to be uninterrupted and employees will be relieved of all their duties during the break. Rest breaks are self-managed but the manager has the authority to ensure equitable distribution for continuing daily business operations or if there is a conflict between employees. 30 minute meals (when applicable) will remain as paid if remaining on business premises, therefore, employees are not required to clock out. If an employee, leaves business premises during the meal period, they must clock out when leaving premises and clock back in when returning to ensure company oversight capability.

Rest periods and meal periods (when applicable) may not be combined.

If you know in advance that you may not be able to take your break or meal period (when applicable), let your Manager know. In addition, notify your Manager as soon as possible if you were unable to or prohibited from taking a meal or rest period. Employees always have a direct line to company HR through if any issues arise.